- Navigate to ‘Extensions’ > ‘Extensions’ > ‘WiPay Credit’, click Edit.
- Enter the following information:
1. Developer ID – this is your WiPay Account Number
2. Merchant Key – this is your WiPay API Key
- If you wish to test the module, set ‘Test Mode’ to ‘Yes’
- Select your preference for the following:
- Order Status on Success
- Order Status on Failure
- Absorb Transaction Fee
- Minimum Total
- Sort Order
- GeoZero
- Status
- Click the ‘Save’ Button
- Ensure file extensions are shown in your FTP software.
- In the opencart install directory, save the “.htaccess.txt” file as “.htaccess” (all file types).
- In the “.htaccess” file, look for the line “RewriteBase /”. In the next line insert:
RewriteRule wipay_credit/callback index.php?route=extension/payment/wipay_credit/callback [QSA]
- Navigate to ‘Extensions’ > ‘Extensions’ > ‘WiPay Voucher’, click Edit.
- Repeat Steps 2-5
- How to step up the base currency
- In the admin panel, go to ‘Stores’ > ‘Configuration’ > ‘Currencies’
- Select ‘Add New’ and enter the following information.
- Currency Title: TT
- Dollar Code: TTD
- Symbol Left: $
- Decimal PLaces: 2
- Value: 6.80
- Status: Enabled
Click save

NB: The merchant is responsible for changing the value of the exchange rate which is used to calculate the total to be paid in TTD. If the base store currency is TTD, this value is 1 by default.